Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics
African digital bookstore / library
A collections of digital publications in different fields (law, social sciences, fine literature, arts and culture, youth ...). Some titles are available online by subscription. The publications are in HTML format with the same hypertext navigation functionality available in ePub or PDF booklets.
The African Freedom Archives As it is stated in website intro "the Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements". The archival collections, that will be soon supplemented by the thousands of historical documents", includes "weekly news, poetry, music programs; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; numerous voices from behind prison walls; diverse activists; and pamphlets, journals and other materials from many radical organizations and movements charting the relations between black America and Africa from 1960s to 1990s (search by the keyword "nam").
ANC Archives (Fort Hare South Africa) Archive houses documentation from three former liberation movements: the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, the Azanian People's Organization and the Black Consciousness Movement of Azania.
ASIAN ART ARCHIVE - AAA in America, is "an independently established and operated as the first overseas mini hub of Asia Art Archive (AAA) in Hong Kong. AAA in A’s mission is to collect, preserve, and make information on contemporary art from and of Asia easily accessible in order to facilitate understanding, research, and writing in the field. AAA in A strives to be proactive in instigating dialogue and critical thinking through a series of regular educational programs, and hopes to raise awareness of and support for the activities of Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong."; AAA in India, is "an Independent Registered Public Charitable Trust established in 2013 with the goal of building resources for research on the region’s dynamic contemporary art scene. It accomplishes this mission by digitising artist and scholarly archives, developing research projects, and organising programmes. AAA in I’s Research Collection can be accessed from its space in New Delhi, which has been open to the public since 2016.
AAA I's digital collections currently contain over 50,000 documents, photographs, artwork, and other records, much of it available online. Highlights include the papers of curator/critic Geeta Kapur and artist Vivan Sundaram, offering insight into India’s art scene over the last half-century from the perspective of two of its leading figures. Also available are the archives of Jyoti Bhatt, Ratan Parimoo, K.G. Subramanyan, Gulammohammed Sheikh, and Nilima Sheikh, influential artists who, together, in the decades following Independence, transformed the Faculty of Fine Arts of the M.S. University of Baroda into a centre of gravity for rethinking a modern visual culture for India. Major projects led by the AAA I's Bibliography of Modern and Contemporary Art Writing of South Asia (over 12,000 pieces of published art writing in 13 languages, from 1900 to1990, available online).The AAA I's team participate in a project with the Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University and the Dhaka Art Summit to develop connections between art historians of modern art in and across Africa, South, and Southeast Asia. AAA in I is also publishing a three-volume set of dossiers, consisting of writings on art from the region.
British Digital Library, Documents, Papers & Memoranda on the Growth of the Pan-African Movement since 1952. According to the description on the its website, Library holds "A wealth of newspaper cuttings, extracts from journals, pamphlets and typescript material on Pan-African leaders and personalities; Pan-African themes; political and economic issues relating to Pan-Africanism, conferences and summits. The most prominent theme of these records is that of the Addis Ababa Conference of Heads of State in May 1963; this conference brought together Heads of African States who had just been freed from colonial rule and sought to establish the identity of their continent in a manner previously inhibited by colonial rule. The result of the Addis Ababa Conference was the Addis Ababa Charter of The Organisation of African Unity. Following these papers are records of subsequent conferences on a variety of socio-economic issues affecting the continent.
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences , Calcutta - The digital archives of the Urban History Documentation Archives of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences available for open access: Most of the printed documents archived by the CSSSC are available online for unrestricted access in collaboration with University of Heidelberg, The Endangered Archives Programme of the British Library and the Center for Research Libraries. The process of uploading of rest of the content is moving ahead and they will be available either on CrossAsia or on Endangered Archives Programme server soon. (from the Archive introductory web page)
FREEDOM ARCHIVES digital search engine - "The Freedom Archives is a non-profit educational archive located in San Francisco dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of historical audio, video, and print materials documenting progressive movements and culture. The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements. We are also in the process of scanning and uploading thousands of historical documents which enrich our media holdings. Our collection includes weekly news, poetry, music programs; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; numerous voices from behind prison walls; diverse activists; and pamphlets, journals and other materials from many radical organizations and movements".
ICOGRADA - University of Brighton Design Archives, Archives of The International Council of Graphic Design Associations. "ICOGRADA has been the professional world body for graphic design and visual communication since it was founded in London in 1963. A voluntary grouping of world-wide associations with a strong educational remit, it promotes the role of graphic design in both society and commerce. The ICOGRADA archive comprises 2000 posters from around the world, library holdings, and a significant body of documentation relating to governance, administration and educational activities".
Libraries of former US presidents - Archival material on NAM at the LBJ Library Archive, JFK Library Archive,
Wilson Centre Digital Archives - "The Digital Archive is a resource where students, researchers and specialists can access once-secret documents from governments and organizations all over the world.
Constructed and maintained by the Wilson Center’s History and Public Policy Program, the Digital Archive contains newly declassified historical materials from archives around the world—much of it in translation and including diplomatic cables, high level correspondence, meeting minutes and more. The historical documents presented in the ever-expanding Digital Archive provide fresh, unprecedented insights into recent international history. By making new sources available and easily accessible, the Digital Archive serves to deepen and enrich international scholarship, history education, and public policy debate on important global issues and challenges.
The Digital Archive supports the mission and research aims of three Wilson Center projects:
The Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. It seeks to accelerate the process of integrating new sources, materials and perspectives from the former "Communist bloc" with the historiography of the Cold War which has been written over the past few decades largely by Western scholars reliant on Western archival sources. Contact the project at coldwar@wilsoncenter.org
The North Korea International Documentation Project (NKIDP) serves as an informational clearinghouse on North Korea for both the scholarly and policymaking communities by widely disseminating newly declassified documents on the DPRK from its former communist allies as well as other resources that provide valuable insight into the actions and nature of the North Korean state. Contact the project at NKIDP@wilsoncenter.org
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP) is a global network of individuals and institutions engaged in the study of international nuclear history through archival documents, oral history interviews and other empirical sources. Recognizing that today’s toughest nuclear challenges have deep roots in the past, NPIHP seeks to transcend the East vs. West paradigm to work towards an integrated international history of nuclear weapon proliferation. Contact the project at NPIHP@wilsoncenter.org
The Digital Archive is generously supported by the Korea Foundation, the Republic of Korea Ministry of Unification, the Lenfest Foundation, the Leon Levy Foundation, the Blavatnik Family Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and other donors.
June Givanni Pan-African Film Archive - The materials in this private archive of June Givanni, a pioneering film curator, were collected from the 1980s and continue today. However, the archive references Pan African cinema that stretches back to the earliest African- American pioneers of independent cinema such as Oscar Micheaux in the 1920s; through the 1960s development of African cinemas alongside national independence movements on the continent; through to the 1980s and 1990s in the Caribbean and the UK with their significant cultural and artistic movements, that inspired filmmaking in those territories. Much of this material is still being catalogued and prepared for online consultation, and most of it is yet to be digitised. Most of the material is in English and there is also a significant amount in French.
RazUme - database of Moderna galerija in Ljubljana contains and collects data on exhibitions in Slovenia and on Slovene artists’ exhibitions abroad. Data are collected from documents, primary sources, and articles in the press. Organizers are invited to fill it out for all their exhibitions.
RIS _ Research and Information System of Developing countries - Declarations issued after each NAM summit (1961 - 2016), selection of articles on NAM purpose ,and objectives, RIS publications.
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) - was created in March 1999 by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation by combining two state archives of federal significance: the Russian Center for the Preservation and Study of Documents of Contemporary History (RCKHIDNI, until 1991 - the Central Party Archive) and Center for storing documents of youth organizations (TsKhDMO, until 1992 - Central Archives of the Komsomol). In addition to the documents produced by the Antiimperialisticeskaja Liga, and Secretariat’s correspondence with anticolonial activists from all over the world, archive contains numerous internal reports and discussion papers on the League’s structure and strategy.
South Asia Open Archives (SAOA) - The South Asia Open Archives (SAOA), a subset of the South Asia Materials Project (SAMP), creates and maintains a collection of open access materials for the study of South Asia. This major collaborative initiative is aimed at addressing the current scarcity of digital resources pertinent to South Asian studies and at making collections more widely accessible both to North American scholars and to researchers worldwide. SAOA (formerly SAMP OAI) addresses needs in all academic disciplines, from the humanities through the sciences. With an initial emphasis on colonial-era materials from South Asia, a carefully curated collection of resources will fill gaps in available online collections, available at saoa.crl.edu (through J-store)
South and Southeast Asia Documentary Film Research Website The documents available for scrutiny on this website have been collected over the course of more than five years. The research was funded by six Hong Kong government grants and various internal HKBU grants, and covers the colonial official film in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaya, Malaysia and India. The majority of the documents were written by government officials and deal with the use of the official film in the South and South-East Asia region over the period from 1945 to the 1970s. These documents reveal the process of colonial withdrawal from the region, the project of nation building and the role played by the official film in that. As such, they offer insight into the region at the end of empire and during the first phase of independence. The material has already seen publication in one book, various book chapters and several journal articles, and more are planned, including an edited anthology (Aitken and Deprez, eds) on the colonial film to be published in 2016-17 by Edinburgh University Press, and a research monograph (Aitken), to be published in 2016-17 by Palgrave Macmillan.. At this time there are three collections of materials:
Archival Documents of Official Film, comprises digital images and transcriptions of official correspondence.
The Documentary Film in India, which features interview transcripts with 25 filmmakers and film scholars on Indian documentary film.
Documentary Film Review, which features synopses of documentary film from Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and India.
UN Archives - section on heads of the Non-Aligned movement countries. Information on NAM could be retrieved from different segments, and in relation to numerous UN bodies.
UNESCO Archives / Digital Library - a rich collection of information on UNESCO healthcare, urban development, education, culture, cultural heritage protection, and mass media projects in developing countries.
UNIDO Archives & Open data platform United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
CORA (Collective for the renewal of Africa). CORA is a Pan-African intellectual collective of over 100 writers, social scientists, natural scientists historians, medical doctors, and artists from across Africa and the diaspora. CORA seeks to promote African knowledge and innovative thinking through the production of quality research and to influence positive change within African nations and in the service of African societies.CORA was publicly launched on April 12th 2021, by virtually held, the P,an-African conference "On the Role and the Responsibilities of African Intellectuals.
PANAFEST Archive - "Malika Rahal participated in the vast Panafest Archive project, under the direction of Dominique Malaquais (IMAF - CNRS) and Cédric Vincent, which brings together an archive around four pan-African festivals of the 1960s and 1970s. This project took the form of a portal museographic and filmographic online, which the user can browse freely, by theme, date or subject."
Palestinian journey - "Palestinian Journeys is an online portal into the multiple facets of the Palestinian experience, filled with fact-based historical accounts, biographies, events, and undiscovered stories. Together, they seek to craft an ever-growing comprehensive narrative which highlights the active role of the Palestinian people in crafting their own history. Presently absent from the global Palestinian narrative are stories of resistance, persistence, and hope, which Palestinian Journeys strive to bring forward.
Palestinian Journeys is a joint project of the Palestinian Museum and the Institute for Palestine Studies, powered by Visualizing Palestine. Beyond that, Palestinian Journeys strives to tell a comprehensive Palestinian narrative through a growing pool of collaborations and partnerships with kindred projects, institutions, and groups which produce knowledge on Palestine and the Palestinians.
The online platform is currently divided into two parts: the “Timeline,” and the “Stories.” The Timeline is an original creation of the Institute for Palestine Studies, while the Stories is an original creation of the Palestinian Museum.
The Timeline is an ever-growing encyclopedic collection of historical events, biographies, themed chronologies, highlights of historical, socio-economic, and cultural themes, historical documents, and multimedia. It serves as an indispensable scholarly reference for the breadth of Palestinian history".
AIF Arab image foundation - "The Arab Image Foundation is an independent association forging new pathways for photography and image practices. Uniquely positioned at the intersection of artistic creation, research, and archiving, we explore, question, and confront the complex social and political realities of our times.
Our collection of over 500,000 photographic objects and documents from and related to the Middle East, North Africa and the Arab diaspora has been gradually assembled over the last 20 years by artists and researchers and through donations. With a critical and innovative approach, we collect, rethink, preserve, activate and understand these photographs through their multiple strata, and enrich the collection in the process".
Archives de la Critique d'art, Rennes (ACA@archives_critique_art) - "Ce portail présente un panorama des ressources sur l’art contemporain, son actualité, ses acteurs, ses critiques, son histoire… Les collections classées par grands ensembles pointent sur des plateformes documentaires, des plateformes d’édition de textes critiques et d’analyses, des programmes documentaires et des programmes de recherche, des revues spécialisées en open access, des institutions et organisations professionnelles, des blogs de critiques d’art…
Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, ces collections proposent une immersion dans le monde de la recherche en histoire de l’art contemporain et de l’art actuel."
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive - "The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world during the 20th century. In the last quarter of the century, even as the foundational programmes of Europe and America lost their impetus, the baton was passed on to other countries, especially in eastern Asia, where the narrative of Modern mass housing was reinvigorated for the next century - a unique example of a key Modernist project that actually continues and thrives today, and which thus forms a principal focus of interest for DOCOMOMO – the leading international organisation promoting the documentation and conservation of buildings, sites, and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement.
As heritage, the built legacies of this diverse and multi-generational adventure are almost always too controversial to qualify for conservation strategies. Instead, therefore, recording and inventorisation must dominate the heritage interest in this field. In the recognition of that fact, DOCOMOMO’s International Specialist Committee on Urbanism and Landscape, in partnership with the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies at the University of Edinburgh, has launched the International Mass Housing Archive, whose aim is to provide an openly-licensed library of images of significant housing projects in each working-group territory, free of copyright restrictions.
The International Mass Housing Archive is subdivided under geographical headings corresponding to the constituent working groups of DOCOMOMO, and the individual housing projects are searchable under city and project name. Initially, the Image Archive will be managed and augmented centrally by DOCOMOMO and the SCCS, in partnership with University of Edinburgh Information Services, commencing with pilot city surveys sourced from our own photographic records in the first instance.
The archive is related to several existing mass housing documentation initiatives. These include two concerning Britain, ‘Tower Block UK’ and the online version of the 1994 book, Tower Block: www.towerblock.eca.ed.ac.uk and towerblock.org/TowerBlock.pdf; and one concerning Hong Kong: see DOI: 10.7488/ds/322 and www.hk.towerblock.eca.ed.ac.uk/list-of-estates.
Collections in this community
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Argentina
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Australia
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Bulgaria
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Hungary
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Spain
DOCOMOMO International Mass Housing Archive: Uzbekistan
Hong Kong Public Housing Archive Photographic architectural record"
El archivo del Museo de la solidaridad Salvador Allende se crea en octubre de 2013, a raíz de la recuperación de una parte importante de los archivos institucionales relacionados con el desarrollo de su gestión administrativa y museológica entre 1971 y 2005.
Desde entonces el museo se ha dedicado a la sistematización de sus fondos, a la producción de proyectos de investigación, desarrollo de exposiciones y activaciones de documentos y digitalización y puesta en acceso de éstos, instalándose así como un área de generación de conocimiento de la historia del museo, de su colección y su documentación.
Desde mayo de 2021, se abrió vía Internet el catálogo digital del Archivo MSSA, donde podrás explorar y descargar el acervo documental del Museo. Visita https://archivo.mssa.cl/
El archivo custodia un gran acervo de alrededor de 10 mil documentos textuales, fotográficos, visuales, recortes de prensa, catálogos, publicaciones, entre otros, de las tres etapas de desarrollo del museo, que representan la estructura de sus fondos:
Museo de la Solidaridad (1971-1973) / Subfondo Solidaridad. Descárgalo aquí.
Museo Internacional de la Resistencia (1975-1990) / Subfondo Resistencia. Descárgalo aquí.
Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (1991-2005) / Subfondo MSSA – Carmen Waugh. Descárgalo aquí.
Books in French on India / Livres en français sur l'Inde The site covers books from 1531 to 2020, with full-text copies of hundreds of titles that appeared before 1937 and short critical summaries of the most important items written by international experts. The books published after 1954 included here, all relate back to the period before that year, including to the 267-year period between 1668 and 1954 when the French nation had a trading presence in India. Presenting them in chronological order, this site shows books in history and fascinating recurring tropes in French-language representations of India.
The project team’s goal is to make our readers our collaborators, and so please get in touch with us via the contact tab above, if you have suggestions about how we can improve this site’s content, or if you would like to contribute to our efforts by writing one hundred words on one of the French books on India.
Digital Southeast Asian Library The Journal of Arts and Ideas - scanned issues of the journal, from issue No 2, 1983 to issue 32-33, 1999. An important source of information on India's contemporary arts and cultural debates of the 1980s and 1990s. Executive editors: Geeta Kapur, Kumkum Sangari, Indira Chandrasekhar, Madan Gopal Singh, Ashish Rajadhyaksha.
National Film Archives of India - The need for preserving film as art and historical documents has been recognized all over the world. The task of preserving cinema in all its varied expressions and forms is best entrusted to a national organization with adequate resources, a permanent set-up, and the confidence of the local film industry. National Film Archive of India (NFAI) was set up in February 1964 as a media unit of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India with the primary objective of acquiring and preserving Indian cinematic heritage. This includes preservation of film and non-film material including but not limited to celluloid, stills, glass slides, posters, lobby cards, scripts, and song booklets.
Tasveer Ghar: A Digital Network of South Asian Popular Visual Culture is a trans-national virtual “home” for collecting, digitizing, and documenting various materials produced by South Asia’s exciting popular visual sphere including posters, calendar art, pilgrimage maps and paraphernalia, cinema hoardings, advertisements, and other forms of street and bazaar art.
Some of the key fields of exploration within the network are:
(a) the social and performative life of mass-produced images;
(b) the histories and everyday lives and voices of producers, disseminators and ‘consumers’ of mass-produced images;
(c) various techniques of visuality/media of visualisation (for instance, ritual or theatrical performance, or political spectacle).
We also hope that such a digital 'home', which we envisage as an open access, democratic space, will also serve as a hub around which to promote dialogue and debate on matters pertaining to South Asian popular visual culture. Our anticipation is that Tasveer Ghar will promote inter-disciplinary scholarly exchange on South Asian popular visual culture across the globe between academics, artists, and others interested in this topic.
The International African Institute (IAI), hosted at SOAS University of London, aims to promote the scholarly study of Africa's history, societies and cultures. The institute realizes its aims primarily by means of scholarly publishing. Read more about us.
The IAI publishes the long established and prestigious journal, Africa, the Journal of African Cultural Studies the annual Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation, the International African Library series, the African Arguments series; and the Readings in… series, for use in tertiary level teaching of African studies.
Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) - The Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) was first established in 1960 as a non-profit organization in Pretoria. AISA’s mandate is to produce knowledge aimed at informing sustainable political and socioeconomic development in Africa. AISA’s vision is to be ‘An indispensable African voice on African Affairs’ and our 2011-2015 Research Agenda is “Seeking solutions for Africa’s developmental challenges.”
The Nordic Africa Institute - a knowledge hub for collaborative research, library services and communication that supports a deeper understanding of contemporary African perspectives, challenges and opportunities. As a Swedish research-led public agency and as a beneficiary of several Nordic governments, The Nordic Africa Institute is uniquely positioned to play a strategic role in analysing the challenges and opportunities facing Africa.
In order to realise effective policy relevance, the Institute’s research, communication and library functions will work together to generate policy impact in five impact areas; 1) Equality, Social Justice & Inclusion; 2) Governance, Citizenship & Participation; 3) Economy, Employment & Mobility; 4)Climate, Natural Resources & Sustainability: 5) Peace, Security & Human Rights.
Castro Speech Database (LANIC), includes speeches, interviews, etc., by Fidel Castro from 1959 to 1996.
Caribbean Views, Provided by the British Library, this collection contain over 1,200 images, maps and texts from the 18th and 19th centuries reveal contrasting experiences of life in the former British colonies.
Digital Library of the Caribbeans, Founded in 2004, the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) has grown to over 70 Partners and Associate Partners in the United States, the Caribbean, Canada, and Europe. dLOC's multi-institutional collaborative model is bolstered by a democratic governance structure which allows for all partner institutions to contribute to dLOC's evolution and success. Please read about dLOC and its mission on the governance site.
dLOC is a cooperative of Partners within the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean that provides users with access to Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials held in archives, libraries, and private collections. dLOC comprises collections that speak to the similarities and differences in histories, cultures, languages and governmental systems. Types of collections include but are not limited to: newspapers, archives of Caribbean leaders and governments, official documents, documentation and numeric data for ecosystems, scientific scholarship, historic and contemporary maps, oral and popular histories, travel accounts, literature and poetry, musical expressions, and artifacts.
Slave Societies Digital Project, directed by Jane Landers and hosted at Vanderbilt University, preserves endangered ecclesiastical and secular documents related to Africans and African-descended peoples in slave societies. SSDA holdings include more than 700,000 digital images drawn from close to 2,000 unique volumes dating from the sixteenth through twentieth centuries that document the lives of an estimated four to six million individuals. This collection contains the most extensive serial records for the history of Africans in the Atlantic World, and also includes valuable information about the indigenous, European, and Asian populations who lived alongside them. On this website, you will find areas dedicated to each geographic entity where SSDA has worked and additional resources to assist in your research. We welcome feedback and encourage researchers to share any work that they develop using the Slave Societies Digital Archive.
The University of the West Indies Institutional Repository, This archive was established by the UWI Libraries to support the dissemination of knowledge by providing open access to the digitally preserved intellectual output of the University. Here we aim to collect together in one place the research and scholarship of members of the UWI community. UWISpace provides a platform for the collection, organisation, access and preservation of scholarly information in digital formats.
AAU-ETD (Addis Ababa University Libraries Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Database), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia OAI-PMH
The Addis Ababa University Institutional Repository is located in the Addis Ababa University Library and as of September 2016 holds 10,000 items. The repository holds only doctoral and Master’s theses (full text), which are deposited by students. The repository is Open Access. It uses DSpace software and files are hosted on a local machine in the library. (source Int. African Institute)
American University in Cairo Digital Archive and Research Repository, Cairo; It contains circa 3,500 items, comprising theses and dissertations at all levels, student research, draft or published journal articles, reports (largely for university units) and student projects, as well as other projects from various departments. These are full text and include all disciplines covered by the university.
Bibliothèque Numérique Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal
This repository contains a total of 9,800 items, of which 6,746 are theses; 1,210 are memoirs; 65 are titles of journals published at the university; 1,650 are articles from researchers and lecturers; and 129 are rare and valuable books (old collections). All the documents are fully accessible and visible, but not downloadable. A Commission is now discussing the possibility of an Open Access policy.
Covenant University Repository, Ota - Ogun State, Nigeria; This repository holds about 5,000 items, including full text theses, dissertations, journal articles and book chapters or full-length books, regarding all disciplines covered by the
university. The repository is Open Access, but does sometimes accommodate embargoes on full text access. All items are available under the Creative Commons licence.
ECA Knowledge Repository, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; This is the repository of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and thus not connected with any university, it does not contain theses or dissertations, nor book chapters or full-length books. Instead, it holds 18,000 items, including materials such as international reports, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa publications, parliamentary documents, policy briefs, flagship publications, conference proceedings, speeches, press releases, technical reports, mission reports, annual reports, working papers, speeches and a few draft or published journal articles. All texts are fully available and accessible, as well as downloadable. Another 16,000 items have been catalogued but not made visible in the repository. Since 2010, the repository has been dealing with a huge backlog of older material dating back to 1958. The licence used is Creative Commons. An Open Access policy is under development. The only problem encountered is related to irregular electricity supplies; but the risk of data loss is limited by the presence of a generator. Based on the usage statistics available, there is a large demand for resources within the repository.
Khartoum Space: University of Khartoum Repository, Khartoum, Sudan. This repository contains circa 19,888 items of which 11,414 are theses and dissertations, 3,930 are draft or published journal articles, 411 are book chapters or books and 3,207 are reports. Other deposits include University of Khartoum Journals (555), audio files (5), ‘Institutes’ (221), IT Service Documents (10), ‘training’s (6), ‘University Pioneers’ (113), and videos (26). All items are full text and the repository includes all disciplines covered by the University of Khartoum. The repository is fully Open Access.
NRF Institutional Repository, National Research Foundation, South Africa. This repository is the Institutional Repository of the National Research Foundation (NRF), based in Pretoria, South Africa. It currently holds 318 full-text items, including: doctoral theses and Master’s dissertations, draft or published journal articles, book chapters or full-length books, reports, PowerPoint presentations, as well as research datasets; the latter are provided through SADA (South African Data Archive – see below). All disciplines covered by South Africa’s Universities and Scientific Institutions are included.
SUNScholar, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. The number of items held in the repository is circa 50,000 (not all are full text). These comprise about 25,000 theses/dissertations, 9,000 articles, inaugural addresses and conference proceedings. There are no books or chapters from books.
UNISA Institutional Repository (UnisaIR), Pretoria, South Africa. This repository, located within the premises of UNISA’s library, holds 17,000 items, including theses and dissertations, draft or published journal articles, book chapters or full-length books, reports and a limited number of research datasets, inaugural lectures and archival materials.
All these items are accessible in full text and cover all the range of disciplines offered in the university. In terms of copyright and licences, the repository complies with South African copyright regulations; copyright notices are included in UnisaIR; and the Creative Commons licence is also sometimes used.
University of Dar es Salaam Research Repository, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The repository is currently holding circa 1,800 items, but many more are in the process of being uploaded. It includes (and will soon include) doctoral theses and Master’s dissertations, published journal articles, book chapters or full-length books, reports, conference papers and conference proceedings. The items are a combination of both full text or lists of items held as physical copies, covering the following disciplines: Engineering, Law, Science, Social Science, Agriculture, Humanities, Education and Business. Amongst other problems the repository faces are irregular electricity supplies and an often slow internet connection. Nevertheless, weekly data backups are in place in order to avoid unexpected data losses.
Université El-Hadj Lakhdar Batna Bibliothèque Centrale
Université M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes (UMBB) Archives ouvertes de l’Université M’hamed Bougara Boumerdes
University of Algiers Bibliothèque Virtuelle de l’université d’Algers
University of Biskra, Algeria University of Biskra Theses Repository
Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University - Souk Ahras Center of Academic Publications
CamPuce (association for the promotion of science and humanities in African countries)
Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao Portal do Conhecimento
Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde Biblioteca Digital da Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde
American University in Cairo, Rare Books and Special Collections Digital Library
Bibliotheca Alexandrina ( ) Digital Assets Repository (DAR)
Menoufia University Scholarly Publication Repository Portal
Association of African Universities Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD)
University of Ghana Digital Collections
Africa Thesis Bank
Egerton University Institutional Repository
Embu University C. Repository
Kenyatta University Institutional Repository
Moi University Institutional Repository
Rift Valley Institute Sudan Open Archive (SOA)
South Eastern Kenya University Digital Repository
Strathmore University (SU) Digital Repository
United States International University - Africa USIU - Africa Digital Repository
University of Nairobi Digital Repository
Malawi National Digital Repository
Université Mohammed V - Rabat Dépôt Institutionnel - SIJIL
Université Hassan II - Casablanca
Rissalaty Thèses électroniques de l’Université Hassan II - Casablanca
Eduardo Mondlane University, Biblioteca Digital
Afe Babalola University Repository
Ahmadu Bello University ABU Zaria Research Publications
Ahmadu Bello University Institutional Digital Repository
Mohamed Abid Medoun Hondo film collection, at Harvard Film Archive, established at the HFA in 2000. Combined with the titles that were purchased for the collection, the HFA was established as a source for Hondo's materials in North America. Titles in the collection are regularly requested for loans at film museums, archives, and repertory cinemas around the world. The collection is searchable in HOLLIS.
SOUTH-SOUTH online Art Community
SOUTH SOUTH is an online community, an anthology, an archive and a resource for artists, galleries, curators and collectors, institutions and not-for-profits invested in the Global South.
The platform offers a repository and a space for new, shared value systems centred on community, collaboration and exchange. It is a central portal to experience the programmes and artist profiles of galleries within and dedicated to the Global South. It will host year-round events and seeks, during these tumultuous times, to address an imbalance in the global cultural framework by providing a means to explore a de-centred art world, within a broader geopolitical context.
Postcolonial studies, Volume 26, I (2023), thematic issue "Anticolonial Connectivity and the Politics of Solidarity: Between Home and the World", "This special issue examines the connections among (post)colonial spaces forged in the struggle for national liberation and after. The focus on anticolonial/postcolonial connectivity indicates the existence of alternative forms of spatiality that go beyond the linear (and hierarchical) relationship between metropole and colonial spaces. Here we seek to challenge the dominant focus in the literature on the relations between colonial metropoles or hegemonic centers and colonized spaces. Rather we explore how colonized and postcolonial subjects cultivated knowledge ‘sideways’, meaning they inter-connected tactically, materially, and intellectually without needing to call upon the imperial center for interpretation or authorization."
GAPP Reading Club, topic The Non-Aligned Movement at 60: lessons learned and the way forward / discussion on Vijay Prashad's, The Darker Nations (2007), April 2021.
Catherine Baker's presentation of her book "Race and Yugoslav Region" with the host of channel A Little Deeper, April, 2021. Dr Catherine Baker is a Senior Lecturer in 20th Century History at the University of Hull joins me to discuss her book "Race and the Yugoslav Region" connecting histories of 'race' with south-east Europe, and more things postsocialist and postcolonial.
ICCTP Conversation on Colonial Trauma, Participants - Karima Lazali (Psychoanalyst, Algeria and France), Ranjana Khanna (Duke University), Stefania Pandolfo (UC Berkeley), Felwine Sarr (Duke University), moderated by Natalia Brizuela (UC Berkeley).. March 2021.
Conference Rethinking Conceptualism. Avantgarde Activism and Politics in Latin American Art 1960s-1980s. Link to the channel containing the videos with the lectures of this symposium (held ,10 - 25 March 2021), an exhibition with workshops staged at Instituto Cervantes Berlin (2 - 9 June 2021) and a regular online programme with reading sessions and workshops (from May 2020, on). More information on project Rethinking Conceptualism: Avant-Garde, Activism and Politics in Latin American Art (1960s-1980s)" by Katerina Valdivia Bruch at : https://rethinkingconceptualism.com/ Project was conducted In collaboration with Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Instituto Cervantes Berlin Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Supported by Embassy of Uruguay in Germany, Embassy of Chile in Germany. Conference participants Oscar Ardila Luna, Joaquin Barriendos, Claudia Calirman, Luis Camnitzer, Fernanda Carvajal, Miguel Erazu, Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Lisette Lagnado, Anna Longona, Jorge Lopera, Vania Markarian & Julio Cabrio, Mario Mestman, Gerardo Mosquera, Marta Traba, Emilio Tarazona, Victor Vich.
Nana Osei-Opare, The Ghana-Soviet Connexion, The Slavic Connexion. International chat show from the University of Texas at Austin, April 12th, 2021 ·(available for download in MP3 format, 34 mins 30 secs). From the announcement: "Professor Nana Osei-Opare from Fordham University joins Lera and Cullan to talk about the history of Ghana's independence from Great Britain and the way in which this country in West Africa looked to the Soviet Union to build itself as an "industrialized, socialist" post-colonialist state. Many black thinkers across the world saw the USSR as a space of equality and freedom and as a way to envision how a multi-racial multinational society could come together. This is a fascinating discussion of not only African and Soviet history but of some very important social issues that continue to challenge the modern world."
Conference The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia, 23-26 February 2021, Belgrade. Edited videos now online:
Day 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hY_Xa-kqRg&list=PLxYbh6oD_DS1qFPI7vBfU-3JjkhTuodQa&index=1
Day 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x50ZOul_Eh0&list=PLxYbh6oD_DS1qFPI7vBfU-3JjkhTuodQa&index=2
Day 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFBUUlhRdy8&list=PLxYbh6oD_DS1qFPI7vBfU-3JjkhTuodQa&index=3
Day 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GDOt7pJ3g0&list=PLxYbh6oD_DS1qFPI7vBfU-3JjkhTuodQa&index=4
Achille Mbembe lectures
"Futures of Life & Futures of Reason", Stanford University within the University Presidential Lectures program, October 23, 2020
"The Universal Right to Breathe: Colonialism & the Ethics Of Memory", Digital Festival of African and African-Diaspora Literatures, 2020
"Frantz Fanon and the Politics of Viscereality", Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, in 2016.
"Future Knowledge and Dilemmas of Decolonization", Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, in 2016.
Walter Mingolo lectures
"Decoloniality after Decolonization", CAST - Critical African Studies, Duke University, Harry Garuba Podcast series, July, 2020.
"(De) Coloniality and the era of the Anthropos (the Anthropocene)", Centre Pompidou, in the framework of the exhibition Cosmopolis #1: Collective Intelligence, December 13, 2017.
"On Coloniality and Western Modernity", Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative, 2016.
"The The Concept of De Coloniality", Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, August 13, 2014.
Symposium III "Planetary Utopias – Hope, Desire, Imaginaries in a Post-Colonial World" Symposium Closing Session "Colonial Repercussions", Akademie der Künste, Berlin (23 and 24 June 2018); lecturers Angela Davis (Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness and of Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Professor in Humanities, Columbia University, New York City) Moderation: Nikita Dhawan (Professor of Political Theory and Gender Studies, University of Innsbruck) © Akademie der Künste, Berlin web of the Symposium www.adk.de/colonial-repercussions Note - the lectures start at the 22nd minute of recording.
Symposium on Decolonial Aesthetics from Americas, Toronto, 2013
Paul Stubbs (Ed.), (2023). Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement. Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries, McGills Queen's University Press.
Abhijeet Pimparkar (October 11 2023). Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) and India, Politics for India blog,
Doug Stokes (October 2 2023). Against Decolonisation: Campus Culture Wars and the Decline of the West. London: Wiley
Felipe Antunes de Oliveira and Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven (2023). Back to Dakar: Decolonizing international political economy through dependency theory, Review of International Political Economy Volume 30, 2023 - Issue 5, pp 1676-1700. https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290.2023.2169322
Robin Quigg, Fran Kewene, and Kate C Morgaine (2023). Initiating decolonization: from The Last Straw! to Whāriki, AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples Vol. 19, Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1177/11771801231167913
Rui Graça Feijó and Zélia Pereira (2023). Decolonization without Self-Determination? Portuguese Perspectives on Indonesia’s Involvement with Timor (1974–1975). In: Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia.
Kaira M. Cabañas, Whose Global Modernism? UC blog, 8.February, 2022.
Darwis Khudori. (2021) La France et Bandung: les batailles diplomatiques entre la France, l’Afrique du Nord et l’Indochine en Indonésie (1950-1955). Péface de Hugues Tertrais. Paris: Les Indes Savantes Book info
Kaira M. Cabañas. (2021) Immanent Vitalities. Meaning and Materiality in Modern and Contemporary Art. Oakland: California University Press. Book description
Musaed Alsayer, Dalal, Camacho, Ricardo, Soares, Sara Saragoça. (2021) Pan-Arab Modernism 1968-2018: The History of Architectural Practice in The Middle East, Actar. Could be read online at https://issuu.com/actar/docs/pan_arab
Zeina Maasri. (2020) Cosmopolitan Radicalism. The Visual Politics of Beirut's Global Sixties. London: Cambridge University Press Book description
Bárbara Martínez-Cairo y Emanuela Buscemi. (2021) Latin American decolonial feminisms: theoretical perspectives and challenges. Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire. Les Cahiers ALHIM [En línea], 42 | 2021, Pub. 01 february 2022, accessed 23 March, 2022. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/alhim/10153; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/alhim.10153
Jennifer Bajorek (2020) Unfixed: Photography and Decolonial Imagination in West Africa. Durham: Duke University Press. Link to the book review by Afonso Dias Ramos.
Redi Koobak, Madina Tlostanova, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert. (2021) Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice, London: Routledge.
Sara Salem. (2020) Anti Colonial Afterlives in Egypt. The Politics of Hegemony. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sanjuktu Sunderason (2020) Partisan Aesthetics Modern Art and India’s Long Decolonization. Stanford University Press.
Martin Müller & Elena Trubina. (2020) The Global Easts in global urbanism: views from beyond North and South, Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1777443
Paul Stubbs,"The Emancipatory Afterlives of Non-Aligned Internationalism. What can we salvage from the Spirit of Bandung?", RLS Publication, January 2021, download link https://www.rosalux.de/en/publication/id/41631/the-emancipatory-afterlives-of-non-aligned-internationalism
Af r o - A s i a n Networks Research Collective (2018). Manifesto: Networks of Decolonisation in Asia and Africa. Radical History Review, 2018 (131), 176-182. https://doi.org/10.1215/01636545-4355317
Pedro, Pombo. (2019) African topographies in India: (in)visible heritages, African prints and contemporary art across the Indian Ocean. International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter, Summer 83. https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/african-topographies-india-invisible-heritages-african-prints-and
Juan G. Ramos. (2018) Sensing Decolonial Aesthetics in Latin American Arts. University of Florida Press. Available through academia.edu, download requires registration.
Khouri, Kristine and Rasha Salti (2018). Past Disquiet. Artists, International Solidarity and Museums in Exile. Museum of Modern, Art, Warsaw & Chicago University Press.
Subotic Jelana, Vucetic Srdjan. (2017) Performing Solidarity: Whiteness and Status-seeking in the Non-Aligned World, SocArXiv, 8 June 2017. Web.
Mirna Radin Sabadoš, Dorota Gołuch, Sue-Ann Harding. (2017) Fanon in the ‘Second World’. Yugoslavia, Poland and the Soviet Union. In Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages. Eds. Kathryn Batchelor, Sue-Ann Harding. London: Routledge.
Lorenz M. Lüthi (2016) The Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War, 1961–1973, Journal of Cold War Studies 18 (4):98-147. DOI: 10.1162/JCWS_a_00682
Sanja Lazarević Radak. A Journey through ‘European Africa’: Frantz Fanon and the Discourse on the Balkan
(2015) Subalternspeak: An International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. III, No. 4, (2015, July): 21-35. Available through academia.edu, download requires registration.
Achille Mbembe, (2015) Decolonizing Knowledge and the Question of the Archive, According to the author this document "was deliberately written as a spoken text. It forms the basis of a series of public lectures given at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER), University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg), at conversations with the Rhodes Must Fall Movement at the University of Cape Town and the Indexing the Human Project, Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Stellenbosch.
Adeline M Koh. Frantz Fanon in Malaysia: Reconfiguring the Ideological Landscape of Négritude in Sepet. In in Land and Landscape in Francographic Literature: Remapping Uncertain Territories. Eds. Magali Compan and Katarzyna Pieprzak. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. Available through academia.edu, download requires registration.
Amilcar Cabral, National Liberation and Culture, 1970.
Contemporary Art of Non-Aligned Countries. Exhibition catalogue. Jakarta: National Gallery of Indonesia, 1995. (link to exhibition site; catalogue contributions available online, without access to illustration).
Southern Constellations. The Poetics of Non-aligned. The exhibition, Moderna Galerija/Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana, 7 March - 7 October 2019; curator Bojana Piškur.
Southern Constellations. The Poetics of Non-aligned. Gwangju Station, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju. 15 May – 25 October 2020; adapted version of the exhibition shown in Ljubljana in 2019, curated by Bojana Piškur and organized in collaboration with Asia Culture Institute, and Seoul Museum of Art; sponsored by Cultural Flipper.
Solidarity Spores, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea, 15 May – 25 October 2020. Directed by Sungwon Kim, curated by Bojana Piškur, Vali Mahlouji, Tetsuya Goto, Dongjin Seo, Sungwon Kim.
Bojana Piškur (ed.) Southern Constellations. The Poetics of Non-Aligned (2019). Exhibition catalogue. Ljubljana, Belgrade: Moderna galerija, Alta Nova, 2019. (link to pdf. format)
Eric Otieno, Why Restitution Won’t Happen If Europe Controls the Terms, frieze magazine, 25 November 2020
Charges of ‘attempted theft of a cultural asset’ against Congolese activist Mwazulu Diyabanza reveal the abyss of Europe’s self-referential legality.
Blog of Afro-Asian Networks Research Collective
University of Virginian. Global South Studies