Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics
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GLOB Exchange Research Workshop #1, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, Croatia, Monday 28 June and Tuesday 29 June 2021, 16:00 – 19:30 CET
Multiple Voices – Multiple Temporalities
Imaginaries of cultural and political resistance

About the Research Workshop
The Research Workshop Multiple Voices – Multiple Temporalities: Imaginaries of Cultural and Political Resistance is the first in a series of workshops that will be organized within the collaborative research project Globe_EXCHANGE: Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-temporal Cultural Dynamics, conducted at by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and at the Institute of Art History in Zagreb, Croatia (2020–2023).
A multidisciplinary team of researchers on this project is focused on a new visual regimes and new models of cultural exchange that emerged in the second half of the 20th century as a consequence of the process of decolonization, and which we see as both radical political and aesthetic interventions into the dynamics of global Cold War artistic and visual culture. We are particularly interested in exploring the geo-cultural dynamics of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM);, we are also seeking to address the economic, social and political framework of such interventions, providing the context for explanations of their socio-cultural consequences.
Aiming to decentre the Yugo-centric perspective, we are approaching and interpreting NAM as an unstable, ever-changing cluster of diverse cultural and artistic practices, involved in a larger – and largely unexplored – complex network of political and cultural solidarity, supporting exchange among between the countries of the Global South, and closely related to the common political agenda of decolonization. We attain to aim to approach these complex phenomena by through the use of custom-made digital tools for network analysis, and dynamic Spatial-temporal data visualization. The application of digital tools will allow for the a view of NAM as a multi-nodal network with distinctive primary nodes (including socialist Yugoslavia, Cuba, India, Algeria, Egypt and others) and multiple secondary nodes, interacting with each other in terms of counteracting the universality of colonial modernity, and questioning capitalist concepts of development, both within and outside the network. Such a view is also the fundamental starting point for the research into the economic aspects of the Non-Aligned Movement, and into the material conditions for, and socio-political frameworks of, cultural exchange. Using the same nodal points (and the locations they represent), and reconstructing the intensity and trajectories of their participation in international cultural exchanges, we intend to generate still yet another set of networks, and a range of correlated Spatio-temporal landscapes, each pointing to a different set of (cultural) hubs inside and outside of NAM’s primary geo-political focus and outreach, outlining its broader impact on the dynamics of the international cultural scene.
Through this two-day research workshop with invited lecturers, we are particularly interested in getting insights into correlations between, and possible connections among across, networks of cultural and political solidarity operating outside of NAM’s geo-cultural space, or at the points of its intersections with the key locations sites of the anti-colonial resistance. The workshop is aimed at strengthening the common understandings and promoting cooperation among researchers with different disciplinary and theoretical backgrounds, as well as clarifying the conditions for general application of their specific methodologies within the described thematic focus of the GLOB Exchange project.
The workshop will be thematically organized thematically around different cultural phenomena – new biennial and perennial exhibitions, new approaches to museums and cultural heritage, new magazines, and popular media – that functioned as points of encounter and cultural exchange in-between these networks.
The conference is realized within the research project Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-Aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, and the Slovenian Research Agency.
Information for the Research Workshop participants: In order to register and receive the ZOOM link, please send an email with your name, surname, and affiliation before Friday, June 25th, to: nikolabojich@gmail.com
Monday 28 June 2021
16:00 – 16:15 CET Introductory remarks
Chair: Petja Grafenauer
16:15 – 17:00 Dina A. Ramadan, Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY, USA
Reimagining the Mediterranean: The Alexandria Biennale, an Exhibition
of Third Worldism?
17:00 – 17:45 Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, Duke University, Durham, USA, The Havana
Biennale: a cultural history from third world to global art
17:45 – 18:00 Break
Chair: Ljiljana Kolešnik
18:00 – 18:45 Nancy Adajania, independent curator and researcher,
Hosting the World: The Self-Affirmation of Non-Aligned Biennales
18:45 – 19:30 David Murphy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland,
Decolonization, Pan-Africanism and the Cold War: Revisiting the
First World Festival of Negro Arts
Tuesday 29 June 2021
16:00 – 16:15 CET Introductory remarks
Chair: Tihana Puc
16:15 – 17:00 Elodie Lebeau, University of Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse
Museo de la Solidaridad (Chile, 1971–1973). An Alternative to the Pan-
American Cultural Policy
17:00 – 17:45 Jelena Vesić, independent curator and researcher, Belgrade, Serbia &
Darinka Pop-Mitić, visual artist, Belgrade, Serbia
On Solidarity of Yugoslav People with the People of Latin America
17:45 – 18:00 Break
Chair: Sanja Horvatinčić
18:00 – 18:45 Hala Halim, New York University, New York, USA
Lotus Journal and the Question of Translation
18:45 – 19:30 Isabel Plante, Centre for the Research of Art and Patrimony (CIAP),
Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
Between Pop and Polish: The circulation of Cuban posters
and the Cold War Era